It changes the ingredient, but not its flavor ...

One of the basic ingredients of Mexican food, and other parts of the world is the Salt . However the excessive consumption in this food is related to the development of conditions such as hypertension Y cardiovascular diseases, therefore it is important to learn to replace it.


According to a study published in the World Action on Salt & Healt , an elevated salt intake increases the loss of calcium in the urine, which can come directly from the bones.


It changes the ingredient, but not its flavor ...

The heart diseases are among the leading causes of death in Mexico, so it is important replace the salt. However, do not fear, not because your food should change taste. Here we present five spices that will help you reduce the consumption of this ingredient, with information from Peter Bahlawanian , owner of Spice Station .

1. Sumac. It comes from Turkey and has a flavor similar to lemon with a touch of salt, without containing it. Is used to Spice up the rice and some salads. It is red and supermarkets handle it in powder.

2. Chili. It is a kind of spicy. It has a natural salty taste and adds "heat" to foods. It has a smoked consistency that intensifies at the end of cooking. And its moderate consumption favors the blood circulation.

3. Dill. It's a bit bitter, but it adds a certain salty taste. It can be used to prepare fish.

4. Lemon powder juice . It is a concentrate that tastes the same as natural lemon juice, and is ideal if you want to season a dish that contains meat.

5. Powdered onion or granules. It is tasty, but to have a good flavor it is necessary that you spread it evenly on the saucer. It is also ideal for relieve inflammation

The Salt Its main property is to enhance the flavors of food However, these spices are ideal to replace it, as well as providing excellent benefits. Try it!

Video Medicine: What Do 'Natural' and 'Artificial' Flavors Really Mean? (May 2024).