Prozac helps recovery from paralysis due to heart attack

Prozac helps patients who had cerebrovascular infarcts recent to recover from the paralysis , found a study published by the scientific journal The Lancet.

The study analyzed 118 volunteers who had a cerebral stroke and the group was divided into patients who took fluoxetine (active substance in Prozac tablets) and patients who took placebos. All groups performed physical therapies during the recovery stage.

After 3 months of taking the pill that is usually prescribed in cases of depression , French researchers found significant improvements in the movement and the ability to be independent in the patients who took it, compared to the group that only took placebos.

The hemiplegia and the hemiparesis they are common disorders in patients who suffer cerebrovascular infarcts . They cause that near the half of the body is paralyzed, or partial parts as an arm or a leg, lose their motor capacity.

Previous studies indicated that fluoxetine it improved motor recovery, but there was no clinical evidence to support the theory, so the discovery is promising.

Video Medicine: What happens during a stroke? - Vaibhav Goswami (May 2024).