Who is he really?

It is possible that lie Is it an inevitable part of human nature? Either to get out of a problem or, simply by not wanting to accept the truth, sometimes people lie about themselves, but is it possible to detect this kind of scam ?

According to a study of Science Museum of London , the men they lie more, but they feel less guilty about it. However, women are the best lying. In the case of the former, the most usual lie is to deny that they have taken and in the case of women: "nothing, I'm fine."


Who is he really?

For Aiden Gregg, psychologist at the University of Southampton and creator of TARA, lying requires a cognitive activity more complex than being honest, therefore, we delay more in giving an answer when it has the purpose of deceiving the other.

However, how to detect that they are lying ?. Here we tell you some keys according to Juan Ángel Anta, criminologist .

1 . Incongruities in your comments.

2. Respond affirmatively to a question while making denial movements with the head.

3. He says he is calm while his position Indicates something else.

4. Avoid giving specific information on the subject that is being treated.

5. Offers forced breaks.

6. He gets out of control if someone interrogates him in an untimely manner or contradicts what he says.

In an investigation of the department of Experimental Psychology of the University of Granada , reveals that when a person lies, the temperature from the tip of the nose, which implies a small dilation and, therefore, a tell-tale sign of the lie. This is a gesture that the body, without our consent, reveals the lie.