If things do not go as you want

Having a good or bad bad day does not depend completely on luck or external circumstances, because each person has a decisive influence on how we perceive, face and create our reality.

In general, we say that we have a bad day when things do not happen as we would like them, when there are unforeseen events that we can not control or when some experiences are not very positive, but in reality, everything depends on the attitude, so if This is negative, we will perceive our reality as unpleasant.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we give you some tips to change that perception, attitude or negative thoughts during a bad day, through a very simple but effective strategy, according to the site yogaesmas.com: remember good experiences and have positive thoughts:

1. Does it matter? Sometimes, when we have a bad day, it's like small things take on more importance and we complain about everything. Start ask yourself if it is for something really important and if you give more importance than it deserves.

2. Tea is your best counselor . Try to feel good about yourself, take your time to understand yourself, and make your decisions. Sometimes we just need to step back, listen to ourselves and re-evaluate a situation, a relationship, or life in general.

3. You can not control everything. Remember that you can not predict certain things, you do not know how everything will turn out and it is possible that not everything goes as you want. Take life as it comes, appreciate that it is that way, and if you want to modify something do it, once you have understood silently, once you have accepted the situation. Sometimes just enough to observe.

4. Your opinion is what matters. Sometimes we want to please others and leave our feelings or needs aside, feeling bad because no one understands or cares for us. Be aware of what makes you happy, and do it, regardless of what other people have to say about it.

5. Everything is learned. Consider all the good things you have, do not focus now on the negative point. Think of all that you really have good around you, that little things that are, make you happy. Giving thanks for this will give you an incredible sense of well-being.

When you have a bad day, there is another very simple thing you can do, and that is to write in a diary all the good things that happen to you, detailing the experience and meaning, and then read them from time to time.

In this way, although your mind, naturally, tend to focus more on the negative, you can compensate for this tendency, and when you look at your memories you will see that many more good things happen to you than you thought and not as many bad things as it might seem. On a bad day.

Video Medicine: 8 Places You Should Never Swim In (Even If You Want To) (April 2024).