1. Exercise

Undoubtedly, reaching the third decade represents great achievements and satisfactions, but also some conflicts of self-realization, that is why we have prepared some Tips for a woman of 30 years and more

As indicated by the study carried out by the Dr. Oliver Robinson , of the University of Greenwich, England, reaching 30 years of age can cause anxiety, insecurity and social pressure.

These characteristics are related to the fulfillment of objectives, such as forming a family or focusing on their professional career.

So follow these tips and have a full life:


1. Exercise

Crossing the 30 years teaches you that you must give more energy to your body and keep it in shape, so perform physical activities that fill you with health.


2. Use sunscreen

Do not see it as an aesthetic routine, make it a healthy habit, since this way you can prevent skin cancer and delay aging caused by UV rays.

Video Medicine: Extreme Forehead Lift Exercise - Series 1 - Exercise Along With Me (May 2024).