Be more open and enjoy life!

How much time do you have that you do not go to a party or talk with a group of people? Maybe, you are an introvert and you enjoy your own company; However, being more open with others will help you achieve your goals, you just have to follow some tips to be extroverted.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the psychologist Monserrat López, specialist of the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM) ), details that introverted people are very reserved and feel comfortable with themselves.

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The specialist details that this type of personality is often confused with depression, because they are very quiet individuals, who stay thinking and spend a lot of time alone, but it is not about any disease, since they only enjoy this moment alone and do not need the Feedback from others as extroverts.


Be more open and enjoy life!

Monserrat López affirms that "the fact that someone introverted has problems, that is to say, they are not depressed, but that it is a personality form" is totally stereotyped if the extremes are not reached.

The advantages of being introverted is that they make decisions that are more analyzed, creative, rational and safe because they do not leave their self-esteem or safety in the hands of others.

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However, it is necessary that they learn to socialize because it will help them communicate, achieve goals, a job, a couple, family or friends. Therefore, the specialist gives you five tips to be extroverted.

1. Stop seeing as a threat to other people. It does not necessarily have to be threatening to socialize
2. Become aware that it is inevitable to socialize. It is easier to face it than to avoid it.
3. Fear less impulses. You should trust more in yourself
4. Communicate more. They may realize that there are people who have a lot in common with them.
5. You do not have to be the center of attention. Realize that you can be extroverted without changing, you just have to open up more to others.

Introverted people have to be aware that they must socialize to improve their quality of life, while extroverts must control their impulses to avoid falling into excess. And you, are you an outgoing or introverted person?