Obesity, more than one type?

According to the National Survey on Health (ENSANUT) 2012 , obesity is a chronic disease of multifactorial origin that afflicts 32.4% of adults in Mexico. In the population it is associated with an increase in morbidity and a decrease in life expectancy, so that currently the different types of obesity It has become a public health problem.

This nutritional alteration is the result of an imbalance of energy due to a sedentary lifestyle, an excessive consumption of energy, or both. Among the most common complications associated with different types of obesity : hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and decrease in the reproductive capacity of women.

In addition to this, disorders of the locomotor system, as well as the social and psychological pressure that patients often suffer with certain types of obesity , favor the degradation of their health status. Hence the importance of reversing this situation.

The obesity It is classified into three types, according to the characteristics of the person:

1. Obesity type I: It is characterized by an excess of body mass or percentage of fat regardless of the site of accumulation.
2. Obesity type II : it is an excess of subcutaneous fat in the trunk and in the abdomen (android).
3. Obesity type III : excess visceral abdominal fat.

There are different parameters to establish the diagnosis of any of the types of obesity.

The first and most commonly used indicator is the Body Mass Index (BMI) , which is obtained with the following formula: BMI = weight (kg) / height (m2). According to Official Mexican Standard 043 to provide guidance, the orkiss It is classified according to the following table:

Classification Type of obesity BMI (kg / m2)

1. Obesity I 30.0 - 34.9

2. Obesity II 35 - 39.9
3. Extreme obesity III ≥ 40

* If the height is less than 1.51 m in women and 1.64 m in men, obesity should be considered from a BMI equal to or greater than 25.

Another parameter for the diagnosis of obesity It is the waist perimeter. An increased waist circumference may be the warning of an increased risk of disease, even in people of normal weight. The established cut-off point to define obesity with this indicator is:

1. Men: waist circumference> 80 cm

2. Women: Waist circumference> 90 cm

A third indicator to define it is the determination of body fat, the cut-off point to define obesity is:

1. Men: Percentage of fat> of 25%
2. Women: Fat percentage> 30%

If you are in some of these parameters or have these characteristics, it is important that you go with a health professional so that together they plan an appropriate strategy in order to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

Video Medicine: Weighing the Facts of Obesity (May 2024).