Pay attention and help!

Depression affects 20% of people between 18 and 65 years of age. There are many causes such as low self-esteem, chronic stress, economic problems or the lack of a partner. This disease generates physical and emotional changes that help identify patients.

According to the psychological support by telephone of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) the motivational and emotional changes of the depression They are the following.


Pay attention and help!

1. Greater dependence

Your desire to receive help is greater than normal. They need to feel loved and important.

2. Lack of mobility

Patients with depression remain static, that is, they avoid doing daily activities such as working, eating, studying, sleeping or exercising.

3. They are isolated

They think that their life is boring and they usually isolate themselves physically and in thoughts.

4. Suicidal desire

When depression is at chronic levels, patients want to be dead or take their own lives.

5. Pessimistic feelings

Because of their low self-esteem they feel that they are not worth much and maintain a negative activity.

6. Difficulty in making decisions

They present indecision or sudden changes of opinion.

In addition, people with depression they worry about their physical appearance, that is, they register a distortion of the image, they are valued negatively or they neglect it outright.

Depression can affect anyone, but the important thing is that you realize it, assume it and accept the help that is offered to you. When you go with a specialist you will have a better quality of life.

Video Medicine: Pay attention: you can change your brain | Kitty Chisholm | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool (April 2024).