Moisturize your skin with homemade soaps

Cleaning products are basic to eliminate bacteria and maintain adequate hydration of the skin; however, some chemicals can damage your health by detonating infections or allergies ; so the ideal is that you prepare them yourself, as is the case with homemade soaps.

Soap is one of the items that should not be lacking in your cleaning routine, it is the one that is responsible for cleaning, exfoliating and nourishing the largest organ of the body: the skin. Do not think about it anymore and learn to make them from the comfort of your home:

According to Instituto de Terapias Alternativas Iris , the homemade soaps are those of better quality and those that hydrate the skin better, since they conserve the natural glycerin, are softer, do not carry additional chemicals and do not produce irritation reactions or any other type of skin problem.

Even when you add extra ingredients such as essences, chocolates and herbs, you provide therapeutic powers for the skin . Most homemade soaps are natural based pure extra virgin olive oil, coconut, sunflower or corn oils; as well as with cocoa butter and shea butter.

The homemade soaps that are used daily are part of a natural and harmless treatment to attack the various aggressions of the environment and serve as a natural relaxing after a stressful day. And you, are you ready to make your own homemade soaps?

Video Medicine: DIY Homemade Oatmeal Soap (Exfoliating & Moisturizing Naturally) (April 2024).