Identify if you are a perfectionist!

First is taught to do the task without blots. Then, at work everything must be well done and on time. Even so much perfection is transferred to the house, the couple's relationship or with the children, but what damage does perfectionism cause?

In the first place, an energy expenditure is generated that translates into headaches (migraines), muscular, back, legs and feet (circulation), as well as high levels of stress.

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Depletion or lack of energy can lead you to moments of mild depression. The body asks for rest, but there is no time. What started as a simple pain becomes a chronic illness or disease, if the right measures are not taken.


Identify if you are a perfectionist!

The body of a perfectionist person is rigid, without flexibility; Many will think that she was educated in a military school because of your way of walking. In addition, perfection also impacts the way of thinking and being, because mistakes are not accepted.

A routine gives security and control to the perfectionist. The extreme organization generates an obsession, that is, nothing is left pending for the other day, even if it means spending more time in the office.


Avoid it and improve your quality of life!

A measure to reduce perfectionism and the need to have control is to learn to say "no", because this will avoid the saturation of work. Nothing happens if you release the command little by little, the world is not over and you gain time for yourself.

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Meditation and yoga help you obtain tranquility and peace, as well as body and thought flexibility.

If you feel that the problem is deeper you can turn to a specialist in psycho-corporal therapy to explore the subject. The quality of time you spend will have an impact on your health and well-being. And you, are you a perfectionist?