Check your answers!

Our decisions and actions mark our personality, which helps us to stand out from others in a positive or negative way. Therefore, only you decide the image you want to project.

For example: You have found your ideal man and you want to get his full attention, so you look to be up to the task, especially when you have to make quick decisions.

However, there are times when far from shining for certainty in actions, you do it because of your mistakes. Does it sound familiar to you? Then discover how much you are a victim of blunders.

1.- Your boyfriend takes you to dinner at a luxurious place that you do not know, the menu is in French and you do not know what to ask, what do you do?
to) You choose the most expensive dish, it is the most appropriate, although you do not know what it is.
b) You suggest you go, to dine in the traditional hot dogs, outside your favorite dive.
c) You confess that you have no idea what to ask to help you choose.

2.- Your father-in-law loves literature but that is not your thing, when he asks you about your favorite book, what do you answer?
to) You assure him that you do have one that you love, but that you do not remember the title or the author.
b) You say what you think: that reading is for other people and you prefer not to waste time on it.
c) You explain to him that your great passion is music and you talk to him about your favorite composer.

3.- If you had to define how willing you are to learn, what phrase would you select?
to) "As long as you have creativity to get by, you do not need anything else."
b) "To learn, I already went to school."
c) "You have to have your senses open to discover the world, the humility to recognize what you do not know and the willingness to learn."

4.- Your fort is fashion, and your sister-in-law asks you about a designer, but you do not know him, what do you do?
to) As your only reference is you, you invent a story that leaves you satisfied.
b) You answer that you do not want to know about any impromptu.
c) You promise to investigate about him, because you do not know his work.

5.- Your boyfriend loves a football team, to impress him you offer data that your father has said ... only that of another squad, when it shows you what are you doing?
to) You assure him that everything is real, but that he is not as fanatical as he says.
b) You assure that it is the same because soccer, even the elephants play it.
c) You recognize the confusion and suggest you catch up.

Check your answers!

Majority of A: Do not accept that you still have a way to go, be sure that your partner would appreciate your honesty. When you live with someone, you want them to learn from each other and discover together what they do not yet know. Put aside your "villamelon" role and you will see everything you can absorb from the environment that surrounds you.

Most B : God, let someone stop you! Do not settle for giving the opportunity to ignorance advance, in addition, you applaud! The crime is not in not knowing, but in staying blank and thinking that this is going to impact your partner. It's time to take off your blindfold and exploit your ability to learn.

Majority of C: You are eager for knowledge and this allows you to move your doubts and even more, find new experiences. What is yours is a very wise decision that besides benefiting you in your personal growth, makes those around you, including the gallant in question, see you as a source of inspiration. Congratulations! "Prudence empowers words." If you want to know more information write to:

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Video Medicine: How to Check Your Answers (April 2024).