4 exercises to lose weight

The arms they are a zone of the body in which it is possible to accumulate grease when you gain weight, however; when you get rid of those extra pounds, the arms lose firmness Y elasticity . To lose weight and look spectacular, GetQoralHealth he recommends these exercises .

What do you need?

½ kg dumbbells

Exercise 1: Stand up, take the dumbbells and place the arms next to your body with the palm of the hand facing forward and the elbows slightly bent. Keep your shoulders straight and the abdomen contracted Bend the elbows to lift the weights. Do 30 repetitions.

Exercise 2: Standing, lean the back forward and open the arms slowly back to work the shoulders. The hands should never exceed the height of the head. Do 30 repetitions.

Exercise 3: Sit in a chair lean forward with your legs slightly open. Place the right arm on one leg, contract and expand the biceps . East exercise is ideal to define well the biceps and stylize it. Do 30 repetitions with each arm.

Exercise 4: Stand up, raise with both arms. The hands should never exceed the height of the shoulders. Perform movements slowly to avoid injury. Do 30 repetitions.

Complement your routine with 30 minutes of exercise cardiovascular and one diet balanced Good luck!

Video Medicine: BEGINNER WORKOUT ROUTINE MADE SIMPLE (home or gym) (April 2024).