Hydrate properly while exercising

Running in the old days used to be simple and simple. Some people remember that before they ran away without carrying anything extra with them, until after a whilethey drank water .

The hydration It was not very important before. Nowadays, there are some runners who carry their own water and enough devices to control your consumption exact, during a tour or a race.

Hydration and dehydration

Of course, we all know how important the Water when it comes to strenuous exercises how to run One thing about water is that it is not ideal either to get too little or too much fluid.

The severe dehydration (loss of water) causes serious consequences in the body, including death. Knowing the difference is sometimes difficult because the symptoms are the same.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the manager of Sport City Nutrition Rubén Lepe, explains the importance of hydration during exercise:

Similar symptoms

In the dehydration , symptoms include weightloss , lethargy , dizziness , sickness , vomiting , confusion Y dry in the mouth or lips. Overhydration includes weight gain or swelling , pain of head , sickness , lethargy Y confusion or disorientation .

The terrible thing is that nobody knows about the problem until the symptom They are already in advanced stages. Even for medical personnel it can be difficult to find out what exactly is happening. (This usually happens after a hard race.)


Need for Fluid

Knowing how much fluid you should drink can prevent dehydration or excessive hydration . One way to find out is that your performance will decrease considerably if you are dehydrated for as little as 1%.

Another point to consider is that hydration is important for your health. As a runner, you need to know how much you need to hydrate yourself daily and at critical moments of before , during Y after to run.

A formula given by experts to calculate your daily fluid needs is the following: multiply your weight (in pounds) by 0.55 to know how many ounces of fluid you need each day.


The moisturizing drinks , such as water, sports drinks, tea, decaffeinated coffee, low-fat milk, yoghurts, juices, sodas and soups or other foods with water.

Water, of course, is the best source for body hydration . The intake of beverages with sugar and other additives should be limited, especially if you are trying to lose body fat.

The alcohol It is a drink that dehydrates the body. You should not drink it before the races , or even the night before.

Your needs

After your daily fluid intake, you need to know what amount to take before, during and after exercise to achieve optimal performance. Most people need 8 to 16 ounces of fluid one or two hours before any exercise.

During the exercise, your fluid needs will depend on what you sweat, which is different in each person.

The best estimate is to drink 1/4 to 1/2 liter of water every 15 to 20 minutes and weigh yourself before and after exercise. This is to check if you are losing or winning weight , and adjust your consumption for the next time.

Depending on its intensity, running is considered exhausting enough for your body to need more liquids than usual.

Video Medicine: How to Properly Hydrate for a Workout (April 2024).