5 types of relationships you should avoid

You never choose when or who to fall in love with. If we could do it, everything in life would be easier and we could avoid the disappointment and suffering that results from relationships that are conflicting or complicated.

Love springs up, relationships arise where you least expect it. You meet someone and months later you do not explain how you had spent your whole life without talking to him. And in the best of cases, the relationship flows smoothly, or with normal stumbles.

However, there are couple relationships that from the beginning are complicated. Falling in love is a feeling that can not be controlled, but starting a relationship is something that is decided. When the feeling is so strong that nothing else matters, there is not much to do, but if you are at the point where you can make the decision not to get involved, you should continue reading this.

Some relationships are condemned to be complicated by the life situations of the people who will live them; they are relationships that probably do not end well, that will make their lives more difficult and in the end they will leave you with the feeling of "if I had known this, I would not have been involved".

What are those situations? Here are some examples:

1. Co-workers. These are the most difficult relationships to avoid, because coexistence makes everything easy. However, few stop to think about how uncomfortable it will be to work side by side with your ex.

Not all partners are prohibited, but you can work with them directly or you have to see them every day. Think of the worst scenario: they end badly, they have to work together, and he has a new relationship that walks in front of you every day. It does not work out well, it does not leave anything good for anybody. Avoid it.

2. Subordinates / Chiefs. This is very similar to the relationships between co-workers, but it adds an extra point: the relationship with your other colleagues. As women, if you link to your boss, nobody will think you did because he is handsome or because he has a surprising intelligence; your teammates will always think that you are doing it to rise, even if it is not like that.

What others think does not really matter, if you fell in love with your boss there is nothing to do, but if you can avoid this relationship that will put all your companions and you uncomfortable, better go away. Also, think about the worst scenario: you will end up changing jobs.

3. Men committed. The stories in which they leave their wife / girlfriend for the girl they just met are exceptions. The general rule is that what starts bad ends badly. If this guy already has a commitment to another woman, what are you looking for?

4. Ex boyfriends of your friends. Although some of these relationships may prove to be successful, you will most likely end up losing a friend. In this case, assess how important your friendship is to you and how much interest you have in this boy.

5. Close family members. Calm down! We are not talking about incest, but about establishing romantic relationships with relatives of people very close to you. Walking with your concuño, with the cousin of your sister's boyfriend, with your friend's father, with your cousin's cousin, can end up in very uncomfortable situations for everyone.

If they end badly they will have to keep seeing each other, they will have to bump into parties, meetings, celebrations and family events, and it can be extremely uncomfortable for the whole family. These types of relationships end up breaking strong family ties.

When flirting begins, we must make the decision to risk everything or get away before getting hurt. It is a matter of thinking about the consequences beyond the benefits. If he is so important to you that all this is irrelevant, enjoy it!

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Video Medicine: Five Types of Women Men Should Avoid! (May 2024).