However, it is necessary

"You need to rest from your vacation" . Paradoxical and true, since your brain is disconnected from your daily tasks, but it does not mean that it stops working. Even, this period causes neurochemical alterations.

How does it happen? In the next video the neurology expertEduardo Calixto He explains it to you. Click and be surprised!


However, it is necessary

Downtime is an opportunity for the brain to make sense of what you have learned recently, and to help you resolve the conflicts that overwhelm you at this time in your life, "says the expert. Mary Helen Immordino-Yang from the University of Southern California.

Although it is possible to help your mind to rest a little. Here we give you some tips.

1. Watch a movie . An investigation developed by the University of Michigan in the United States, couples that watch a romantic tape increase their progesterone levels by 10%, which helps them feel better and relax their mind.

2. Sweet melody. When you listen to a song the body tends to follow the rhythm. It does not take a concentration, this allows your mind to calm down and consequently relieve stress and anxiety what you experience

3. Small nap Your resources throughout the day are continually depleted throughout the day, so it is important that you have moments of rest. In these, downtime replenishes reserves and brain skills.

Basic tip. Disconnect from the internet, according to the expert Dan Bobinski for the brain to rest it is necessary that you have a clear mind. You can not do this if you are constantly checking your mail.

Video Medicine: Is Grammar Really Necessary to Learn a New Language? - OUINO™ (May 2024).