Hot chocolate prevents diabetes

Drinking a cup of hot chocolate frequently, before going to sleep, for example, helps prevent diabetes, because its high flavonoid content reduces inflammation, which causes, to a large extent, the development of this chronic disease, according to a study by the Pennsylvania State University .

In this investigation, published in the European Journal of Nutrition, the specialists observed that the high flavonoid content of dark chocolate, reduced inflammation causing insulin resistance, so it was feasible to prevent type 2 diabetes with a habitual consumption.

The flavonoids favor the widening of the blood vessels, which favors the reduction in 30% of the level of liver fat in the blood (triglycerides), which causes fatty liver disease, explains Joshua Lambert, lead author of the study and professor at the University.

To obtain these results, Lambert and his collaborators fed dark chocolate, hot and powder, to a group of mice for several days, who presented lower levels of inflammation, insulin resistance and triglycerides, but above all, they observed that their weight gain was minimal.

One of the biggest concerns regarding the consumption of chocolate is its high consumption of fat and sugar, however, according to experts, when it is prepared in powder, these characteristics can be suppressed, in order to preserve its high content of flavonoids and fiber.

Video Medicine: Health benefits of Chocolate (May 2024).