Hemophilia affects 5 thousand Mexicans

The hemophilia It affects approximately 5 thousand people in Mexico. Worldwide, it is estimated that there are around 400 thousand individuals. This disease is caused by a genetic disorder It affects the coagulation conditions of people and affects symptomatically and almost exclusively to men, since it is a manifest condition on the X chromosome. However, women can be carriers and get to have mild symptoms. The main characteristic of the hemophilia is that the consequences of a blow or a wound for those who suffer it are disproportionate, that is to say of effects far superior to the common. For example, cause abnormal bleeds in people, many of them spontaneously and abundantly. In serious levels, the hemophilia can trigger disability and an increased risk of acquiring viral infections like Hepatitis B Y C or HIV .

The delicate symptoms of this condition make evident the need for all patients to have the possibility of receiving the care and treatment to which they have access by right. About, Carlos Gaytán , president of the Federation of Hemophilia of the Mexican Republic (FHRM), points out:

"Although the government of Mexico has taken important steps, such as the fact that as of this year all patients between 0 and 10 years of age can receive care through the Seguro Popular, there is still a need to extend care , so that nobody with hemophilia be unprotected for social, economic, gender or age reasons ".

In Mexico this April 17 is commemorated the Day of Hemophilia. This year, there will be a walk, which will take place this Sunday, April 17, starting at 08:00 hours, at the Gandhi circuit of Paseo de la Reforma Avenue, in the Federal District. For more information visit: www.hemofilia.org.mx  

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