Healthy reasons to practice it

Various studies scientists show that having sexual intercourse generates multiple Benefits for the Health : reduces the risk of attack cardiac, decreases pains In general, it strengthens the immune system, reduces the stress and it helps you have a skin beautiful, as well as burn up to 600 calories .


So the American Sexual Health Association suggests that the communication open and frank with the couple is essential to give and receive pleasure maximum sexual Feeling safe and having trust , are pillars for a comfortable and relaxed relationship sexual , allow to freely discuss sexual needs and limitations.

This intimate relationship allows couples to explore to the maximum experiences that could be considered taboo or uncomfortable, but beyond these issues, GetQoralHealth presents you with a list of 5 unusual things in sex that are good for your health .


Healthy reasons to practice it

1. Vibrator. Also called dildos that besides giving more pleasure , they are massagers therapeutic to treat the anorgasmia , disorders of sexual desire l, as well as vaginismus problems.

It also increases the excitement and lubrication of women, facilitates orgasm and increase blood circulation

The vibrators emerged exclusively for medical use, however, today it is mainly used to obtain greater pleasure and for original encounters.

2. Sadomasochistic practice. Research conducted by Andreas Wismeijer Y Marcel van Assen , of the University of Tilburg of the Netherlands , affirm that those who practice it enjoy a better mental health more balanced.

The study concludes that lovers of domination, sadism Y masochism they are less neurotic , more sociable, open to new experiences and less sensitive to the rejection of others.

3. Erotic massage. This could be a very healthy habit in the privacy . It is known that massage helps to relax the body and relieve pain associated with it. stress or pressures.

The Indiana University Sexual Health Promotion Center , The United States affirms that the erotic massage stimulate terminations nervous of the erogenous zones , which produces more pleasure , strengthens the bond and alleviates sexual problems.

A good massage is healthy because it stimulates orgasms , combat problems of premature ejaculation , loss of desire and anorgasmia, affirms the Sexual Health Promotion Center .

4. Anal sex. It is another option to explore the sexuality with your partner, it is even the most intimate experiences and pleasurable what must be done with freedom, hygiene and responsibility.

Since this area has many Nerve endings , it produces great pleasure , free endorphins that work like analgesics to calm the pain , hence its effect to alleviate discomfort Premenstrual syndrome , spasms of the digestive system, among others.

5. Casual sex. Because this experience generates, momentarily, adrenalin and greater pleasure for the novelty that means to have sexual relations with strangers or sporadic encounters.


When you release adrenalin increases the muscular strength and brings more Energy to the body as a response mechanism, writes the physician Gary Thibodeau in his book Anatomy and Physiology.

Remember that if you are looking for this type of practice you should take precautions to take care of you wellness .

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