Have fun and take care of your figure!

Would you like to know a practical and fun activity that helps you to resist the cravings ? A new study suggests that playing tetris can reduce your appetite by naturally controlling cravings.

In the investigation of the University of Plymouth, in the United Kingdom , published in the Appetite magazine, details that the block game reduces the frequency and intensity of cravings of natural form.


Have fun and take care of your figure!

Jackie Andrade, author of the study, details that the feeling of whim It lasts only a few minutes, time in which the person visualizes what he wants and the reward he will generate.

In this way, the sensations that register people to fall into the craving, that is, consume the food they imagine.

However, playing tetris for three minutes prevents the person from recreating the image of their whim and the anxiety . In the study, people who used this game, recorded up to 24% less anxiety about food, compared to those who did not use it.

This study shows that when using the game Tetris can effectively reduce the cravings for food, cigarettes and alcohol, because the person feels motivated and maintains control at times when anxiety is recorded. And you, would you be willing to play tetris to maintain an ideal weight?