Gays submitted to homophobic medical treatment

80% of the more than 30 million Chinese gays feel depression Y panic due to its condition, so the potential market for fraudulent cures is high. So Chinese gays, considered Mentally ill Until a decade ago, they are today victims of treatments that supposedly "cure" their sexual orientation, in the form of therapies and medicines considered a scam.

The West has always described as discriminatory the fact that the homosexuality was included in the list of diseases in China, the truth is that it was a way to protect a group that until then was considered criminal.

Gays suffered the violent persecutions of the Cultural Revolution (60's and 70's) along with "minorities", such as intellectuals, artists, professors, merchants or religious. The homosexuality it was considered a disease to protect gays from criminal punishment, since they could avoid jail and undergo treatment.

That was when, around the decade of the 60's, private clinics began to emerge to treat and "cure" those who expressed their desire to change their orientation. Some of these treatments use the psychotherapy , others prefer the prescription of medicines and antidepressants wave injection of hormones.

At first they even got to use electric shock and other types of torture to control sexual fantasies, all these ideas were influenced by the German psychologist Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing (1840-1902).

It should be noted that none of these therapies work, as sexologists and doctors say, it is important to remember that Sexual orientation is not a disease.

Video Medicine: Anti-gay campaign shows Russia's worst side (April 2024).