Fun and original actions to improve your intelligence

Daily routine, disinterest in reading, physical inactivity, nocturnal disorders, an unbalanced diet and the absence of hobbies or other activities are behaviors that lead to our brain to almost total numbness. However, can this be avoided and intelligence improved?

According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan in the United States and published in the magazine Social Psychological and Personality Science, conversing with another person on friendly terms can improve brain functioning and our ability to solve problems.

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Fun and original actions to improve your intelligence

Beyond the puzzles or crosswords, there are other activities that can help you improve your intelligence, but also have fun. Get them!

1. Video games Dafne Bavelier, specialist in cognitive neuroscience, from University of Geneva, notes that action video games increase the brain's plasticity, that is, the ability to adapt quickly to environmental challenges. The practice of this activity allows people to perceive the details better and to make decisions with greater precision.

2. Juggling It facilitates the learning of new skills. An investigation carried out by the University of Oxford and published by the Nature Neuroscinece , indicates that complex tasks, such as juggling games, produce important changes in the structure of the brain, which also helps improve the interaction between neurons.

3. Technology and intelligence. The National Association for Child Development (NACD) and ASCI they have launched Simply Smarter Kids , an iPhone application that allows improving memory at work and academic success.

This helps to improve the memory and the results in the work from different games that involve concentration and repetition of movements, which in itself improves the short-term memory at first, and gradually also does it in the middle and longer term.

4. 20 days are enough. For the psychologist, John Jonides, from the University of Michigan , 20 minutes a day in a period of 20 days significantly improves fluid intelligence, that is, the ability to reason and solve new problems. This through the practice of a game called "n-back". If you want to practice them there are options on the net that can help you: // or //

An essential measure to maintain intelligence is to lead a healthy lifestyle; one in which you have a balanced diet and physical activity according to your needs.

Video Medicine: 10 Signs You’re Way More Intelligent Than You Realize (April 2024).