Foot, hand and mouth syndrome affects children

The Foot, hand and mouth syndrome mainly affects children and occurs during the summer and early fall, in countries with temperate climates, generally.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), symptoms usually begin with fever , loss of appetite , malaise and, often, sore throat . They may appear blisters painful in the mouth, a couple of days after the onset of fever.

It can also be developed rash with shallow or high red spots, usually on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, and sometimes on the buttocks. The rash can produce blisters , but it does not cause itching.

Some people with this syndrome may only suffer rash , others may have only blisters in the mouth. Others may not have symptoms.

The disease is spread by direct contact with nasal secretions, of throat , saliva , liquid from blisters or the feces of people infected .

So you know a little more about how this disease affects children, in GetQoralHealth we present one of the cases epidemic happened in China:

Although this syndrome mainly affects children Under 10 years old, older children and adults can also get the disease. People who get it develop immunity to virus specific that caused the infection .

For now there is no vaccine to prevent the disease, but the risk of acquiring it can be reduced with these measures:

Handwashing often, especially after changing diapers ; clean thoroughly objects and surfaces (toys, door handles, etc.) that could be contaminated with one of the virus that causes the disease, and avoid close contact (such as kissing and hugging) with people infected .

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Video Medicine: Hand Foot Mouth Disease (May 2024).