How to know that you are dehydrated?

Babies and children have a higher proportion of water in their bodies (70%) than adults (65%), so they are more vulnerable to dehydration , especially when they perform some physical activity or when exposed to high temperatures.

According to the British Nutrition Foundation , the amount of fluids a child needs depends on their age, sex, physical activity; however, it is recommended that they drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water per day.

"Younger children need relatively small beverages (for example, 120 to 150 ml); while the elderly need between 250 to 300 ml. "


How to know that you are dehydrated?

The dehydration It happens when the water that is ingested is not as much as the one that eliminates the body through sweat, respiration, urine, feces, but how can we identify dehydration in the little ones?