Food and aggression

Human beings are very ingenious when it comes to punishing ourselves: a common way of doing it is eat a lot . Our way of eating is a metaphor for our way of life.

Compulsive eating is a strategy to calm the anxiety. Living generates anxiety: every day we have to face many issues that range from the most practical, such as what clothes I am going to wear or at what time I should go out to work, to how I am going to solve my economic situation, my relationship problems, my life. Living is a complicated task, particularly if I do not have tools to help me.

Living is an art, and like all art, it requires information, practice, study, patience, tolerance and we have all gone through it, a way to stop feel unhappiness is to eat.

When we eat, all our attention and our senses are occupied in the taste, the shape, the smell, the sensations that that bite generates. I can not eat and at the same time feel my pain . They are seconds in which I stop thinking about my problems to taste that delicious flavor, sometimes, of my favorite food.

Those seconds of relaxation, of happiness, of pleasure, are a rest, a haven of peace amid the turbulence. I stop perceiving my anxiety, my despair, my failure, my pain. And I only perceive the aroma, the flavor, the texture of that bite. Who does not want to forget, even for a moment, about their problems?

Being overweight is a way of being in life. It is a way compulsive eating . It is a way to get away from painful areas how can be the exercise of my sexuality, the caressed being. It is a way of forgetting, of protection, of dealing with pain.

It is a way of saying yes to everything. Of not putting limits.

How not to feel and how to feel. How not to be seen and how to be seen. It is a cry that says "here I am, look at me". I pamper myself and abandon myself by eating. I comply and protest. As for pride and guilt. Because I was silent before your aggression and I did not say anything, I ate the pain.

As to compensate. As to be someone different because as I was they did not want me. It is a way to survive. We need to connect with ourselves. Touch the pain. Feel our vulnerability Tell us the truth We need to understand what we are running away from by eating compulsively. We need to let others see those parts of ourselves that we consider unworthy or inadequate. We need to be honest.

We need to understand that even if we thin the relationship problem, it will still be there.

We need to recognize that we have the freedom to choose . We can choose to take care of ourselves and tell the truth. Touch the pain. We can choose to request professional help to learn to manage our emotions, to talk about our pain. We need to identify ourselves with other people who understand our processes: a group of Compulsive Eaters. A psychotherapy We need to recognize, that alone, we can not.

We need to love ourselves more and be brave. I am convinced that the most difficult task we face in life is learning to love ourselves. Especially when we feel that others do not love us. and I'm also convinced that you can. What is required is practice, will, attitude, patience and a lot of love.

Ask yourself: How can I be happier? ¿How will I feel after eating this? ? What am I feeling right now that I want to stop feeling? Is eating this caring for me?

It is not an easy task to love us, but it is necessary, indispensable to do so.

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Video Medicine: How to STOP “Food Aggression”/ Resource Guarding in Dogs- WITHOUT FORCE (April 2024).