6 tips to rebuild collagen in the skin

The collagen is a protein that structures the skin . According to studies of the University of Canada , works as a mesh that unifies the cells of the dermis .

However, with age the production of this substance begins to decrease. To counteract the effect and rebuild it again, GetQoralHealth suggests you this tips.

1. Use sunscreen and moisturizer with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 15 or more. Avoid exposure to UVB and UVA rays. To protect your face you can also use a hat.

2. A study conducted by Linus Pauling, Ph.D. ., suggests that the exposure of cells cutaneous to the vitamin C increases production eight times collagen . Include citrus foods in your diet to comply with the daily requirement of this substance and wear a skin firm.

3. The vitamin And protects cells against the damage of free radicals and prevents the aging premature.

4. Take a CoQ10 supplement. The coenzyme Q10 is produced in the body, but not in sufficient quantities. Therefore, the use of supplements and topical creams is recommended to stimulate the production of collagen .

5. Use a cream with retinol . This is a promoter of the production of collagen in the skin aged and wrinkled. The Retinoic acid It is the only product approved by the Food and Drug Administration to support your claim about the reversal of the effects of aging of the skin .

6. Exfoliate skin , in this way you eliminate the cells dead and favors the creation of cells new Mix sugar with olive oil to form a paste. Rub the skin with circular movements. Wipe with cold, dry water.

Remember that to maintain the hydration of your skin It is necessary to drink at least two liters of water a day. Do not forget to apply a nourishing mask at least once a week according to your skin type. Follow these tips and look beautiful on the outside and inside.