Potomania causes hyponatremia

The potomania is the obsession to drink up to 10 liters of water a day, which becomes a habit that puts the health of those who practice it at risk, revealed María Eugenia Torres Castillo , psychiatrist Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS)

Torres Castillo, stated that this eating disorder it is due to the obsession to wear a sculptural body: "Among young people, this behavior is due to the fact that they follow a standard of beauty imposed by advertising and the mass media."

The IMSS expert assured that this pathology It occurs especially among adolescents, thinking that consuming a lot of water will take away their appetite and they will lose weight , without imagining the consequences that can be acquired by consuming water excessively.

Discover the symptomatology

1. Sudden changes in mood 2. Are isolated more; they are more introverted 3. They have poor school performance 4. They suffer from irritability 5. Consume more than 10 liters of water per day

The physical damages from drinking water in abundance are heart failure , sickness , muscle cramps , seizures , eat, paralysis and death: "The kidney works with a certain amount of water and if it is misused, it will have serious health problems".

According to the doctor Jorge López , specialist in clinical nutrition and obesity, the key to knowing how much water is needed is with the following formula: "one liter should be consumed for every 25 kilos of weight".

Consequences of potomania

The renal function it is diminished, due to the excess water in the body. Some of the sequels of potomania are:

1. Muscle cramps , due to the dilution of sodium and potassium 2. Hyponatremia : Low sodium concentration in blood 3. Sickness 4. Headache

5. Seizures 6. Paralysis 7. Congestive heart failure 8. Coma and even death

Therefore, María Eugenia Torres Castillo, IMSS psychiatrist, recommends that if this is a chronic disorder, it will require the support of psychiatrists, drugs and therapy.

How much water do you drink per day? Why do you do it, to be healthy or lose weight?

Video Medicine: Hyponatremia - Tea and Toast Syndrome (May 2024).