Health risks due to the use of 3D television

The 3D television is a reality that has caused fascination among consumers, but the doubt in other users who notice problems of Health for forcing the brain to create an illusion based on the observation of two different images.

In addition to television, the Nintendo 3DS system, which has also been the target of criticism, will be launched this month in Japan. The truth is that in 2010 Reggie Fils-Aime , President of Nintendo In the United States and chief of operations, he stated that he recommends "that very young children do not see 3D images," and that is a "standard protocol" within the industry.

In the same way Mark Pesce , a pioneer in virtual reality, declared last year that minors "could potentially suffer damage permanent by regular exposure of 3D images on a screen. "His opinion was based on the fact that none of the technology manufacturers had done health tests and security .

The technological company Sony, conducted an investigation of the effects on health for those who see 3D under the influence of alcohol. What resulted in that "although some people may experience discomfort, such as ocular tension , fatigue or sickness , no evidence was found that the normal use of 3D content could cause health problems. "

Jeffrey Katzenberg , CEO of DreamWorks Animation, said: "What they told us is that in the developing early eye -with children under three years old- there is a certain concern that there could be some problem for straining the eyesight ".

Karen Sparrow , of the Association of British Optometrists, mentions in this regard that "when a child's vision develops, his eyes are forming a balance, and for that natural progress to develop he has to have a image perfectly clear , both in the right eye and in the left one ".

"Anything that alters the process could cause a lazy eye in the child However, he would probably have to expose himself to many hours of vision before any hurt occur. "

"I have to say that there has been no legitimate person in the medical profession who has suggested that we are endangering the health of our children, when a five or six year old child watches an 82 minute film once a month," Katzenberg said. of Dream Works.


Positive opinion

The doctor Dominick Maino , of the Institute of Optometry of the University of Illinois. It is from the idea that 3D could represent an advantage to detect problems of child vision that would otherwise go unnoticed. "Watching 3D programs can unmask issues such as lazy eye, convergence insufficiency, problems of concentration and other visual problems that consumers were unaware of. "

With information from:

Video Medicine: Do 3D TV's bring serious health risks? (April 2024).