First leg transplant in history

The first transplant was carried out bilateral of legs in the history of modern medicine. This last July 11, 2011, in the city of Valencia, Spain.

The Dr. Pedro Cavadas doctor Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe Valencia was in charge of carrying out this feat, as confirmed by the Ministry of Health in a press release.

For a surgery of these dimensions the intimate was precise coordination between the National Transplant Organization (ONT), of Spain, the teams of professionals of the Pedro Cavadas Foundation and of the Valencian generalitat.

The Dr. Cavadas ensures that it is necessary to wait at least 48 hours to be able to make a judgment and provide more information about the evolution of the patient, from which no further personal information was provided.

The transplanted patient

The receiver is a young male, who had amputated both legs above the knees; this complicated the possibility of carrying prosthesis . In spite of this, and having no other possibility to solve his problem, he assumed the risks involved in surgery of this type.

Once the requirements have been met doctors , ethical Y legal , in addition to having assumed all the risks; the patient was put in the hands of the medical team in an intervention that lasted practically all night.

The Transplant Commission of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System authorized, on May 26, 2010, this procedure; since it is a experimental technique , the law demands a previous report of the ONT for each patient.

It is expected that in the next few days more information will be provided on the evolution of the patient and how successful the surgery was. This would mark a preceding in the annals of medicine, and a waters part for those who have seen limited for some amputation of this nature.

Video Medicine: Sri Lanka performs first-ever leg transplant (English) (May 2024).