Did you stop smoking?

You already gave that valuable step, you are at the beginning of a new stage so you must feel proud of your decision, as well as the great gift you give to your body. Congratulations, the benefits of quitting smoking in your health are instantaneous and emotionally, you gain moment to moment, the confidence and confidence that only a challenge overcome can provide.

Now, what's next? Adriana Ortemberg, author of the book "I want to stop smoking forever" , from Editorial Océano, offers some tips that can help you to follow the process with great success and to strengthen the detoxification process.

"If the first days will be too hard for you to feel that being with smokers makes it more difficult for you, look for a way to avoid them, but it is obvious that you will have to live with them, so the sooner you get stronger, the better.

Remember that you have powerful reasons that sustain you, you have opted for a better quality of life and for making use of your personal power ", explains the specialist.

According to Adriana Ortemberg , it is advisable that in the first days you take some measures that will surely help you to move forward with the process, mainly in terms of hygiene and eating habits, so take note:

1. Before showering, brush the body dry with a bristle brush or a horsehair glove, from the bottom up. This brushing removes dead cells and reactivates circulation.

2. Take a shower with warm water and, if possible, with rosemary soap, as this plant is an excellent natural stimulant. Finish the bath with cold water.

3. Eat breakfast and eat in a balanced way and with foods that you like, just avoid coffee. Increase your consumption of liquids and natural juices.

4. After brushing your teeth, use a mouthwash with a peppermint elixir or other flavor that is fresh.

Remember every day the motivations you have to move forward with this new lifestyle, which translates into a long list of benefits that are impossible to count.

If you want to know more, consult the National Council for Addictions //www.conadic.salud.gob.mx/interior/cot.html "The principle of being patient is to start with oneself" . bojorge@teleton.org.mx

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Video Medicine: I'm so happy I stopped smoking (April 2024).