Exercise, your best ally for not smoking

Smoking is a serious public health problem worldwide, since it is associated with an increase in morbidity, disability and human mortality. According to data from the World Health Organization , it is estimated that by 2030 the deaths attributed to this disease will be 3 million in industrialized countries and 7 million in developing countries. However, how can you stop smoking?

The exercise could be the solution or, at least, this is what a study carried out by the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom. In it, it was revealed that changes in brain activity induced by physical exercise can help reduce nicotine dependence.

The investigation counted with the participation of ten habitual smokers, who were subjected to moderate sessions of exercise during ten minutes, after 15 hours of nicotine abstinence. Then, through an MRI scan, their brain was scanned while they watched a series of 60 images; some of them included cigarettes, which induce the desire to smoke.

The second stage of the analysis consented to a similar episode; however, patients, when viewing the images, did not have an exercise session.

Published by the magazine Psychopharmacology, The study argued that among the benefits of exercising is that it improves mood, by increasing the segregation of dopamine. Situation that facilitates and helps people to stop smoking easier.

The most recommendable exercises to stop smoking are walking and cycling. Both, in addition to eliminating stress and reducing levels of anxiety, help oxygenate the brain and improve blood circulation.

Adding a few minutes of exercise a day will allow you to be fit and eliminate the bad habit of smoking, which is a risk factor for six of eight major causes of death: heart disease, stroke, cancer and respiratory.

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