Geometry of love?

Considered as inspiration and stimulus for life, love is a feeling that shakes, causes happiness, but also sadness; However, what influences that a given time lasts and changes from something passionate to empty?

For the psychologist Robert Sternberg, and his theory of the triangle, it is possible that there is the much desired formula of love.

The specialist suggests that the combination of three elements is decisive to produce different types of love:

1. Passion. It is the motivational component that feeds the emotional feelings, the physical attraction and the desire for sexual interaction; It instills a deep desire for union with the loved one and in a certain way, it is like an addiction because its ability to provide stimulation and intense pleasure fosters a powerful desire in the person.

2. Privacy It is the emotional component of love and includes the sense of having a bond with the other person. Understand emotional feelings of affection, exchange and proximity. It also includes the willingness to help the other and the openness to share thoughts and feelings with the loved one.

3. Commitment. It is the cognitive aspect of love. It alludes to the conscious decision to love the other and maintain a relationship over time despite the difficulties that may arise.

The three are important dimensions of the love relationship, but usually manifests itself in different patterns and to varying degrees, in addition to changing over time. When the three meet in the same amount and on both sides a triangle is formed: the geometry of consummate love.

There are several factors that can influence for these elements to meet, so not all loves can aspire to the consummate, some are simply romantic, fatuous companionship or sympathy.

Love is a feeling that must be experienced and discovered and initiated with oneself. Love!

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