Do it anywhere!

To show off a thin, supple and toned body, you only need to practice a little yoga to get it. Through certain postures like the call Parsvakonasana Not only do you tone up your legs and glutes, but you favor digestion.

According to Mexican Institute of Yoga (IMY), the Parsvakonasana posture tones the muscles of the legs and glutes, increases your energy, improves your digestion and favors the elimination of toxins from your body.


Do it anywhere!

If you like the yoga, but you do not have time to go to a specialized place, in the following video of Yoga for Beginners , Ana Paula Domínguez It explains step by step how to make this asana that helps improve your body posture.

Specialists say that it is very good to increase your flexibility and body stability, as you strengthen ankles, knees and thighs, while eliminating fat in waist and hips.

Besides, the Mexican Federation of Yoga notes that the Parsvakonasana posture corrects defects in the knees or joints, reduces the pain of sciatica, arthritis and promotes good digestion.

If you are pregnant you can practice it without problems, just use the wall or a chair as a support, and remember not to try too hard. However, if you suffer from headache, hypertension or low pressure and insomnia, it is better to look for another alternative. And you, do you already enjoy the benefits of the Parsvakonasana posture?