Every day learn new things

How many times does your alarm sound before getting up in the morning? There are people who put almost cheating in order to get up on time, as is an alarm on the cell phone, which prevents the start of the day to learn new stuff.

In addition to time management, there are many other customs such as not looking for time to to learn new things or having contact with the people you love, who are worth reflecting on if they take you away from the quality of life to which you aspire.

María Villegas and Jennie Kent , authors of the book Vademécum Women, de Villegas Editores, explain that habits are established behaviors from routines that are performed, without this meaning that they are positive or that they help the achievement of the most desired goals. Experts say that in order to to learn new things, it is always possible to acquire a good habit, so they suggest to achieve it:

1. Decide which one.
2. Make the commitment to the habit for at least three weeks, since it takes 21 days to incorporate it into the routine. If you think that this period of time is too much, you are not ready to start.
3. Prepare mentally to do it.
4. Evaluate if you like the new practice, as well as if it brought a positive change to your life.

The authors share 10 habits that are considered desirable for to learn new things for the innumerable benefits that it brings to those who practice them not only in their physical, emotional and intellectual health:

1. Compliance
2. Exercise
3. Healthy diet
4. Gratitude
5. Cleaning
6. Reading
7. Respect
8. Adequate money management
9. Search for excellence
10. Study

In addition, they add that both human behavior and values ​​are basic to to learn new things and for the construction of new customs that will help you improve the quality of life, as well as the realization of your achievements, some examples of these values ​​that point out are honesty, perseverance, solidarity, civility and the famous serenity. "Self-knowledge does not nourish pride". bojorge@teleton.org.mx

Video Medicine: 10 SKILLS That Are HARD to Learn, BUT Will Pay Off FOREVER! (April 2024).