Top 5 sleeping positions ...

Do you go all night and do not find the desired rest? For the expert Preggy Brill, Manhattan orthopedic physiotherapist It is essential that people take enough time to think about how they are placed when they sleep; since the sleeping positions they use can influence their rest and the body's recovery from the stress and activities of the day.

Adults can change from three to 36 times of posture during a night. According to a survey conducted by the mattress factory Tempur-Pedic , the most common sleeping position is sideways with 57%. However, is it the most appropriate and favorable for health?


Top 5 sleeping positions ...

For Mary Ann Wilmarth, chief physiotherapist, Health Services, Harvard University, Before choosing a position you should observe that the joints are not excessively compressed or that the muscles are not in an abnormally shortened or stretched position.

With the objective that you get a restful sleep GetQoralHealth presents you five ideal sleeping positions:

1. Face up. It is ideal for balancing body weight, keeping your internal organs aligned, and preventing neck and back pain. Just make sure you keep a pillow under your knees to help maintain the correct alignment of your back.

2. Fetal position. It is the most recommended for people suffering from back pain, as it is a neutral position for the spine avoiding the weight falls on it.

If the right side is chosen, the hip and left knee should be flexed, regardless of whether the other knee is straight or not and the shoulders are turned.

Then adapt the pillow to the neck adopting a curvature similar to that formed when we are standing. Also with this position you can avoid or reduce breathing difficulties that in another position could arise.

3. Avoid shoulder pain. Try to sleep on the side of the aching shoulder. Sleep on your back with a small pillow under your shoulder with problems. Or, if you sleep on the other side, hug a pillow.

4. Acid reflux. Sleeping on your back can cause problems because the head is not elevated in relation to the stomach so gastric contents can bubble up into the esophagus or into the throat. Another solution is to lift the head with pillows or lift the head part of the bed between 5 and 10 centimeters.

5. Upside down, the least recommended. Although only a minority of the population sleeps in this position, it is the least recommended. With this body posture, the spine is forced to a position contrary to its natural form. The neck and cervicals are forced even more.

Lack of sleep is related to the increase of neck and back problems. It is important to get enough sleep between six and eight hours and, of course, sleep in a position that allows the spine to relax. Remember, your health is in your hands.

Video Medicine: Proper Sleep Posture for Overall Wellness (April 2024).