Taste, addiction and appearance are your thing ...

How many times throughout your life have you proposed lose weight? Thousands of Mexicans register with any start of the year sport activity, for after 3 months to defect. That is why, beyond a goal, getting the ideal body is a decision of lifetime.

However, not everything lies in your motivation , because there are obstacles in your eating habits that can prevent you from diminishing that "little slice" makes you uncomfortable. Thus, GetQoralHealth in joint work with the portal Instafit tells you what these enemies of your health are


Taste, addiction and appearance are your thing ...

According to the hexagon program to lose weight of Instafit, we face 6 major obstacles to improve our body . These are foods that cause allergies, irritation and inflammation, and for a total detoxification should be avoided for at least 21 days.

Although, what are they?

1. Simple carbohydrates. They cause you to store grease and they make the weightloss . The reason why this happens is that they are quickly transformed into glucose when you consume them. Glucose causes it to be released insulin , which makes it difficult to expel fat from the body. In addition, many of the foods considered as simple carbohydrates contain the gluten protein, which is highly irritating and allergenic.

2. Added sugar. It is simple carbohydrate. The more sugar you consume, the more insulin you produce and the less weight you lose.

3. Soy. The vast majority of soybeans are genetically modified so they do not need pesticides. In addition soy acts as estrogen, causing hormonal imbalances in both men and women and promoting the storage of fat.

4. Artificial sweeteners . They are chemicals that have never been part of the human diet. Being much sweeter than sugar, when they are ingested, the body becomes accustomed to a level of sweetness that is difficult to reach. This causes desire to ingest more.

5. Alcohol. They contain many sugars and irritate the stomach and bowels. They also damagel liver and they have very low nutritional value.

6. Dairy You lose the ability to digest dairy products properly, which causes inflammation of the intestine and the liver as well as the production of mucous membranes in the digestive system. In addition, there are many other sources of calcium, making dairy a non-essential obstacle.

If you want to try something different, cash and, above all, personalized, with just one click in any of the ads Intasfit found on the page GetQoralHealth You can change your body.

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