Exercises against facial paralysis

Raise the eyebrow or frown are gestures everyday problems that can bring you problems at home, school or office, but for someone with Facial paralysis represents every challenge with many Benefits .

These gestures are part of the exercises against facial paralysis , a neuromuscular disorder caused by a lesion of the sensory and motor pathways of the Facial nerve .

In accordance with specialists of the UNAM , produces alterations of movement in the muscles of the face, in the secretion of saliva, tears and even in the sense of taste. Sometimes it causes blurred or incomplete vision .

TheClinical Practice Guide about this condition, the National Center for Technological Excellence in Health (Cenetec) establishes that the exercises against facial paralysis (known as active) thermotherapy (such as water compresses) and massages, they do not substitute the integral treatment.

According to the document from the Ministry of Health, regardless of the degree of affectation , it is recommended to start with the exercises and other non-pharmacological treatments, starting on the sixth day of the diagnosis .

GetQoralHealth presents you a series of 11 exercises against the facial paralysis that most patients must follow to recover from successful .

The ideal is to perform 2 repetitions of each year 3 times a day and preferably in front of the mirror. In some cases you can support yourself with the fingers .

Video Medicine: Facial exercises - The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust (April 2024).