1. You use technology too much

Having calls or redundant mails occupies 28% of the days of the American workers, which causes serious damage to their concentration , says the consultant Basex . If lately you feel that you have a lack of Attention , this can be one of the causes.

If you Attention is constantly affected, you will have to mentally reconstruct everything you think and run the risk of losing ideas fundamental for your life, says Daniel Anderson , professor of the department of psychology of the University of Massachusetts .

To avoid this situation, the first thing you have to do is identify the reasons why you can not lend Attention . We present some of the most common and what you can do to reverse them.


1. You use technology too much

Cell phones , tablets and television "compete" constantly to call your Attention , which makes it practically impossible for you to focus on work and home, indicates Maggie Jackson author of "Distracted" . If these devices are not essential, turn them off in the office or meetings.


2. You keep awake for work (or fun)

Sleep little low levels of cortisol eliminating the possibility of you being alert the next day, affirms the National Sleep Foundation . His recommendation is that you sleep at least six hours.

Video Medicine: How Is Your Phone Changing You? (April 2024).