First steps to follow when your child has AT

As parents, the first step in treating an eating disorder in children is to understand that what they experience it's not just a problem because of its weight . "The habits of a healthier diet and willpower are not the only factors to make the problem disappear," he says. Michele Siegel , author of the book "Surviving an eating disorder".

The eating disorders they are really a problem psychological who uses the intake of foods and weight control to solve hidden emotional difficulties and a need for attention.

However, each disorder requires different approaches. When your child has this problem , the rules of the family must evolve to adapt to the disordered child and develop an attitude healthy to the food and the subsistence allowance .

How to present the situation to the rest of the members of the family ? What are the things you will say to your child? First of all it is required prudence , Since the conversation It can cause discomfort and interfere with your child's recovery. According to Siegel, the following guidelines can help:


  1. Think who is the best person to speak . Talk to your spouse, if you are the one to speak, or if they should be both, but what should not be done, is to involve the rest of the family until after they speak in private.
  2. Choose a moment when you feel calm to talk. Do not raise your concerns if you are angry, upset or hurt. The confrontations will only cause your child to become defensive and lose communication. He or she can take it as a criticism or attack.
  3. Choose a moment when you know you will not be interrupted. The pressure of time can limit it to discuss the situation. Choose a time when you both have all the time you need to talk.
  4. Consider writing what you want to say. It is inevitable to feel anxious or worried when talking about the topic, so take the time you need, write a note to order your ideas.

Video Medicine: Babies Walking for the First Time Compilation (April 2024).