Do not let your brain go out!

Do not you know what day you live on? Many times people forget things temporarily, that is, at that moment they do not remember something they should do, but, why does it fail? memory ?

There are several causes that range from stress, lack of sleep, to the accomplishment of different things at the same time; However, there are other characteristics that favor the loss of memory temporary.


Do not let your brain go out!

Always try to keep alert your brain , but without saturating it, since it can be counterproductive for him to have to organize many things at once, so he decides to shut down for a moment. For the time being, try to avoid or treat the following causes of loss of memory .

1. Menopause . The problems of memory They are very common in women who are in this stage, due to all the hormonal changes, however, it is temporary, because once the menopause is over, everything returns to normal, according to a study published in the journal Menopause .

2. Pregnancy . Hormone levels during pregnancy generate a weakness in the memory , that is, they affect the brain, that's why they are more forgetful, according to the University of Bradford and Bradford Institute for Health Research in England.

3. Chemotherapy . Patients who suffer from cancer and who undergo this treatment experience transient memory loss, due to the combination of factors such as disease and stress, according to researchers at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine .

4. Chronic fatigue According to a study of Mayo Clinic, People often lose short-term memory due to chronic fatigue, and may be accompanied by sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, muscle pain, headaches and joints.

5. Bad nutrition . The deficiency of vitamins B1 and B12 affect the memory , so you must include high quality proteins and fats in your diet, so that your brain works properly.

If you reduce stress through alternative methods such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga and massage, you will reduce fatigue, relax your mind and avoid loss of energy. memory temporary. And you, how do you take care of your mind?