Atlantean massage for harmony and vitality

The massage atlante It's a massage to unblock information at the level mobile cause of a series of symptoms that, in the medium term, cause physical and psychological diseases, according to

The ability to unlock information mobile , by the technique of this massage, not only covers the release of Energy chaotic, but it is also very effective in the case of adolescents and adults who maintain a state of blockade qualities and gifts .

One of its main characteristics is the interaction with the vegetable and mineral kingdom, due to the application of elements such as medicinal oils , without mentioning also the uses that are provided to mineral elements such as volcanic rocks .

The main symptoms of information unlocking mobile , and that this massage can relieve, are: lack of energy and vitality , fatigue physical and mental, liberates stress increases the self esteem , improve the blood circulation and the restitution muscular .

Among the results, it highlights its enormous capabilities to create a feeling of harmony and balance after the three levels of massage, in addition to helping to keep the physiological system in proper performance.

Therefore, it is an ideal option to restore balance by stimulating energy fields (chakras or disharmonized areas), which attracts health, relaxation and vitality .