Being emo is a form of rebellion before the world

Are teenagers between 10 and 15 years of age, usually high school students. They dress in black, with "skinny" pants, wear tight shirts, boot tennis and emphasize their dark circles with black pencil. He cut the face and the arms, to later cover their scars with the hair and several bracelets. They say it's a way of rebellion before their parents or before the world. They are the "emos" and maintain a close connection with depression.

Andrés Alcántara Camacho, a researcher at the Faculty of Psychology (FP) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and one of the few specialists on the subject in the country, points out that the term comes from musical movements hardcore Y punk from the eighties, in the last century.

The young people copied all their aesthetics, but to the lyrics of the songs they added sentimental messages and somber and suicidal tendencies, hence the name "emo" of emotional.

At first glance its gender is not distinguished, since both men and women are dressed in the same way, besides being extremely thin. The most serious, says the expert, is that this movement drags young depressives who, upon entering the group, find factors that promote sadness to exacerbate their conflicts and end their lives.

Given that it is a recent phenomenon, it is not known how many "emos" have committed suicide in Mexico.

Another risk factor is their search for androgyny that borders on having sex at an early age as well as unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, because when they look for death they do not take precautions, argues the UNAM specialist.



The face and arms are cut with razors or cutters, or they are torn with the nails, to later cover their scars.

This practice is not new, points out Dr. Benjamín Domínguez Trejo, an academic at the same faculty, is related to the ability to generate pain without feeling it (as happens with people suffering from syringomyelia, due to a spinal cord injury) and , in the case of emos, they even enjoy it.

Another associated phenomenon is the stress analgesia suffered by, for example, athletes or bullfighters, who despite living situations of danger want to continue facing him. This may explain why those who are emos get hurt, because maybe they do not feel pain and, in this way, sublimate the emotions.

Many catalog them as an urban tribe, such as punks, darketos, skatos or others, but for Héctor Castillo Berthier, of the Institute of Social Research (IIS) of the UNAM and specialist in urban groups, they do not fulfill the necessary characteristics to be and only it qualifies them as a fashion.

Video Medicine: The most rebellious video in the history of the world (April 2024).