Dangerous development

The herpes labialis is an infection of the lips, mouth or gums caused by a virus, which causes small and painful blisters, indicate the National Institute of Health of the United States. Among its risks, the deterioration of the memory , but it can go further.

Now researchers from the Umeå University indicate that the infection with virus herpes simplex HSV-1 increases the risk of suffering Alzhaimer .


Dangerous development

After the first infection , the body carries the virus throughout his life and can be reactivated from time to time, causing again mouth ulcers , but that's not the worst, the researchers say.

The risk that the herpes simple 1 come to generate Alzheimer's is because the immune system is weakened by the virus , in such a way that it erodes to such an extent the organism that opens opportunities to spread in the brain , damaging their processes and increasing the possibilities.

This information is confirmed by Hugo Lövheim Y Fredrik Elgh , professor of the virology department, through two large epidemiological studies.

In the first one, which is based on the project Batula, an investigation with 3,432 participants, about aging, memory and dementia, experts show that an infection of herpes reactivated doubled the risk of developing Alzheimer's .

In the other study, samples donated to the Medicine Biobank of this university by 360 people with disease Alzheimer's and the largest number of matching people who had not developed dementia.

The samples were taken on average 9 years before diagnosis. This analysis showed a risk of approximately double developing disease Alzheimer's if the person was a carrier of the virus herpes .

The researchers say that the most interesting thing is that currently the herpes It can, in principle, be treated with antiviral agents. Therefore, in a few years, they hope to start studies to try to treat patients in order to prevent the development of Alzheimer's .

The possible development of Alzheimer's It is only one of the risks for cold sores, so take care of your sexual health.

Video Medicine: Elite: Dangerous Development Plan (May 2024).