Check out these tips!

Although much of the food sold in restaurants and restaurants are full of fat and calories, there are some tips for eating out without increasing weight or damaging your health.

The American Diabetes Association points out that to eat healthy you only need to make conscious choices; Choose foods that do not alter your blood glucose levels and prevent the accumulation of fat in the body.


Check out these tips!


1. Take care of the size

If the portions of food are very large ask that they serve only what you should consume; Otherwise, share with your colleagues.


2. Take care of the fat

If the stews offered have a visible amount of fat, ask for a light version, such as grilled steak or roasted breast.


3. Do not trust the discounts

Avoid falling into temptation when they offer you twice as much food or an additional piece at a low cost.


4. Avoid the extras

If you decide on a stew, take into account that it has some fat, so do not add cream, butter or extra avocado.


5. Do not fall into temptations

Move the bread basket and tortillas away from the table to avoid eating flour and excess dough.


6. Limit carbohydrates

Check the amount you are consuming; You may be overreaching and that means an increase in weight.

If you want more information visit Diabetes Wellness and Health

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