Causes of anorexia

The term anorexy It is an eating disorder that is characterized by the loss of appetite, with the consequent loss of weight and weakness.

However, there are several reasons why anorexia or even anorexia nervosa happen. Unlike some diseases that have definite causes that originate it, anorexia has different patterns, which makes its control difficult, especially due to psychological factors linked to it.

These are the different causes most likely for people to develop or acquire anorexia in any of the physiological or psychological states.


Cultural factors

The opinions of society are actually a common dictation of people and the level of acceptance of them.

Highly developed cities assume that being thin is part of a person's success and the media, which are very influential in modern cities, have created an image of ultra-thin bodies and defined muscles as the social norm of acceptance in terms of beauty. Frequently, such aesthetic values ​​lose their concept of well-being, when they reach the minds of people.


Familiar surroundings

The appearance of anorexia nervosa it is a firm willpower used in a destructive way. In relation to this, the development of the disease can be a challenging position of the person to try to achieve independence and self-identity.

This tends to be a manifestation of adolescents for whom the center of their existence and development is oriented towards the formation of an identity in society. There is also a greater possibility with those who are overprotected or feel suffocated by the closeness and lack of privacy.

Video Medicine: How an eating disorder develops: Madi O'Dell's story (April 2024).