Being happy is an attitude

Happiness is built every day with your Actions , habits and goals . Happy people do things differently to increase their levels of happiness, says the positivist psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky .

Surrounding yourself with happy people is the key to getting yourself that same happiness

Change your routine and yours thoughts before what you can not control, it will make the difference when you feel overwhelmed or when you are under various pressures, worries or fears . So that you enjoy the most of what surrounds you, we tell you 5 things that make you a person happy .


Being happy is an attitude

1. Be kind. When carrying out actions of kindness, brain free serotonin that gives us a feeling of pleasure Y happiness . So helping someone selflessly makes you feel very good.

2. Be sociable. An investigation headed by Naomi Eisenberger , teacher of Social Psychology at University of California , Los Angeles, states that those who are "chronically lonely, their levels of stress they shoot more in the morning compared to those who are more socially connected. " So a happy person tends to maintain deep social relationships.

3. Meet your objectives. Setting goals and working to achieve them produces satisfaction and gives meaning to life. "You must reflect and clarify your ideas; specify the brain what do you want to achieve to concretely establish what your goals are, "says the Spanish Heart Foundation .

4. Take care of your body. This aspect is important for you to feel good, physically, mentally and emotionally. A diet with abundant fruits and vegetables combined with exercise increase your self-esteem, says Ana Frank García , of the Neurology Service of the University Hospital of La Paz .

5. Talk about positive things. When you get home, make it your purpose to tell your partner the best thing that happened to you that day. She could also do it. This dynamic will help you see that not everything in your life is negative and dark.

In accordance with Mayo Clinic United States , surround yourself with happy people is key for you to get the same happiness . As well as enjoy the company of your family and friends.


"Being around contained people reduces mood. In addition, friends and family are vital because they help celebrate the successes of life and support in difficult times, these relationships are what you must feed.

Although it sounds cliché, happiness is made of moments that you make pleasant, that's why wealth or material things do not always make you a happy person. And what do you do to fill your life with happiness?