
Breaking the monotony in privacy is one of the keys for a Relationship satisfactory. The bed is the favorite place to innovate, but for the imagination to fly, any place is ideal for passionate sex.

Few things are as pleasant as getting lost in the outburst of wish and join with the couple in a moment of eroticism full of adrenaline, either in bed or in those places where bodies say: Now!

Although passionate sex is one of the most enjoyable modalities of intimacy in couple , you must have certain care, because it is very frequent, and if it is not in bed, that some accessories or clothes come out with their respective damages.

In that sense, according to, we present you with a list of the things that most often break in those intense moments of passion:



1. Shirt buttons
2. Brassiere or bodice
3. Closures (pants, blouse, etc ...)
4. Underwear (bikinis, trusses, thongs, etc ...)
5. Stockings


Furniture accessories

1. Beds (base, headboard or posts)
2. Bottles and glasses, especially wine
3. Picture frames
4. Chairs / armchairs
5. Cups and plates

Also, among the most frequent places where couples have this kind of passionate sex, beyond the bed, they are:

1. Armchair / sofa
2. Stairs
3. Auto
4. Bathroom (shower, tub or jacuzzi)
5. Kitchen (table, chairs or breakfast)

Remember that if you are going to dare to leave the routine, it is important to try to always be prevented with protection, besides taking a quick look at the environment to prevent possible accidents or injuries during passionate sex.

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Video Medicine: trying on literally EVERY piece of clothing i own (May 2024).