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According to the World Health Organization (WHO) The infections that are associated with health care affect hundreds of millions of patients each year and around the world.

Infections can also aggravate illnesses or generate a long-term disability, without mentioning the cost of their presence.

An important factor for the presence of infections are inadequate hygiene habits. Therefore in GetQoralHealth we present you 10 places that according to Huffington Post they require more hygienic attention, since they are considered the most susceptible to contamination and dirt.


Explore your home!

1. Chopping board. They present a risk of coliform bacteria proliferation. It is recommended to use a table for fruits and vegetables and another for meats.

2. Stove or oven controls. They are exposed to contamination by prepared foods. It is recommended to wash with hot water and soap.

3. Kitchen tables. Since this is where the food is placed and they are not always washed, they can be contaminated by germs. Clean this area frequently.

4. Toys of pets. They are susceptible to bacteria or fungi. Wash your pet's toys with detergent and hot water at least once a week.

5. Faucet keys. Are keys located in toilets or kitchens should be cleaned frequently with disinfectant products.

The WHO He also exhorts to always have an adequate hand hygiene. For daily use it is recommended to wash your hands with water and common or antimicrobial soap.

Hand hygiene refers to any hand cleaning action and there are different options for hygiene products. Adopt healthy habits and achieve a healthy home!

Video Medicine: PROJECT ZORGO HACKED Our HOUSE in Real Life (Exploring Abandoned Hidden Mystery Evidence and Clues) (April 2024).