Bill Clinton adopts vegan diet

In order to improve their quality of life and reduce the cardiovascular risks , the former president of the United States, Bill Clinton has as a diet, the vegan diet , that although it is part of the vegetarian style , here the contribution of animal proteins is reduced too much.

The reason for this "new change" to your eating habits is because your doctor recommended making more "drastic" modifications to your diet , to reduce the risks of heart problems.

The information published in The New York Times, reveals that Clinton feels happier and healthier. It does not consume red meat, dairy products, eggs and very little oil. The products that enrich your diet are the vegetables , fruits, beans, for the moment are the only things you eat now.

Here is the interview you gaveBill Clinton to CNN , in which he reveals how he has benefited vegan diet in your day to day:

The sources protein vegans are: vegetables (chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, etc.), cereals (flour, rice, oats, wheat), nuts (plums, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts) and seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame)

Remember to bring a low fat diet and reduce the consumption of meat, allow your arteries to oxygenate more and reduce the risks of developing diseases such as diabetes , hypertension or suffer a heart attack . If you want to know more about this food style, check this note .

Would you dare to change "drastically your diet, to improve your health?

Video Medicine: Bill Clinton Speaks of the Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet in the Ellen Show (May 2024).