Bacteria, accomplices of the AIDS virus

An investigation of the University of California at San Francisco He details that the AIDS virus joins the most dangerous digestive bacteria, which favors the development of chronic diseases that reduce the quality of life of patients.

In the study published by the magazine Science Translational Medicine , researchers identified some changes in the intestinal bacteria of patients with the AIDS virus, which further weaken the immune system causing chronic diseases.

Some of the bacteria found in the digestive system of patients with AIDS or HIV are Pseudomonas, Salmonella, E. coli and Staphylococcus, which generates a persistent inflammation and aggravate health conditions; while the amount of the Bacteroides type, which protect the mucosa, was reduced.

Even, in information published by Very interesting, it is specified that an increase of the inflammatory molecule IL-6 in the blood was found, as well as the production of the enzyme indolamine 2-3-dioxygenase, which prevents the digestive walls from functioning as a protective barrier.

Therefore, patients are exposed to bacteria and the AIDS virus progresses progressively, points out Joseph M. McCune, leader of the research.

The next objective of the researchers is to discover a method that allows them to modify the bacteria of the digestive system of this type of patients to prevent their health from worsening.

For example, they suggest carrying out an appropriate recolonization of the intestinal flora and combining it with antibiotics that attack the malignant bacteria.

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