Avoid it!

If, when it is very hot, your first option is to get home and take a bath with cold water, you are committing one of the worst habits that you must change immediately, because you will increase the sensation of heat and you will not end the problem.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine , recommended to bathe with cold water after doing exercise because it allows the muscles to recover, but not to mitigate the heat.


Avoid it!

There are other things you should not do when you do hot because you would only increase the temperature more and make your body decompensated by these sudden changes.


1. Drink cold drinks

By ingesting them you force your body to stabilize your temperature; this implies an expenditure of energy, which in turn generates heat and the increase in the sensation of suffocation.

Ideally, you should drink a cup of hot tea to stimulate sweating, which will naturally refresh your body.


2. Playing sports

Doing so increases the risk of cramping, loss of fluids and minerals; fainting, dizziness, loss of balance, exhaustion, hyponatremia and heat stroke.

If you do not want to stop getting fit, it is best to do it in roofed spaces with natural ventilation and hydrates you constantly. Wear clothes that have "dry fit" technology, that is, that has the ability to absorb sweat without having the sensation of being wet.


3. Expose to the high temperatures between 11 and 17 hours

The sun's rays are stronger at that time. Not only do you expose yourself to heat stroke, but also to Burns .

Wear light clothing to mitigate high temperatures, and wear sunscreen.


4. Use fans

According to a study published in The Cochrane Library , these devices increase the heat, cause excessive sweating and, therefore, generate dehydration. What you can do is use fans and open the windows.


5. Drink alcohol

Being a diuretic, this drink stimulates the loss of fluids and minerals, which favors dehydration.

So that your well-being and health are not altered in hot season, it is best that you hydrate constantly and exercise in a place that has natural ventilation. Consume raw fruits and vegetables that help you refresh your body.

Video Medicine: Avoid It | Lynn G. Robbins (April 2024).